Out of the Park Baseball 14

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Out of the Park Baseball 14 Reviews & Ratings

Review by VenomusG [user]
14 marca 2017

Played 2 minutes into what i thought would be a decent game. turned into clicking random ass buttons on the terrible HUD trying to figure outPlayed 2 minutes into what i thought would be a decent game. turned into clicking random ass buttons on the terrible HUD trying to figure out what the **** Im supposed to be doing. Who the **** thought it was a good idea to make a ****ing Base-Ball team Management Simulator. This **** needs to be burned. Anyone who got past the 5 minute mark of this game has my condolences.

Review by OldGuyGaming [user]
12 lutego 2014

The best sports simulation game on the market today. If you want to be a GM or on-field manager, this is the game for you. This isn't a gameThe best sports simulation game on the market today. If you want to be a GM or on-field manager, this is the game for you. This isn't a game like MLB: The Show where you will actually be playing the game as a player, it is strictly a management sim.However, if this is your type of game, it is absolutely the best at what it does. You can play any historical season starting from 1871, and you can essentially build a new history of baseball. You can also add any number of other leagues (Nippon Professional Baseball in Japan, for example) and play fictional or current modern day leagues as well.The databases used bring almost every single player who has ever appeared in the major leagues, and you can get other user-done databases that will bring in Negro Leaguers, old Pacific Coast Leaguers, and so many more to the table.If you are any kind of a fan of the history of baseball, or just love to manage baseball, this is the game for you. The mod community allows you to get pretty much any team logo, uniforms, and photos and what they call FaceGen's for pretty much any player who has ever played.Don't pay any attention to some of the troll reviews. It isn't an on-the-field game, but it doesn't need to be. Any baseball nut is missing out if they don't play this game, and they've been making new versions for well over a decade now. Great support AND community!

Review by blueman090 [user]
9 stycznia 2014

There has been a lot written about the "steep learning curve". Don't worry about that. The learning curve is no steeper than any otherThere has been a lot written about the "steep learning curve". Don't worry about that. The learning curve is no steeper than any other comparable game. While you can set up your league however you want (which means lots of options to learn), there are quickstart options to get you going immediately. From there, if you are considering buying a game of this type, then you are already expecting to spend some time with the game learning it all. Once you get going, you're going to WANT those options.The game is quite addicting, with the effect that other "just one more turn" games can have. Judging from the game's forums, people have been playing this game daily for years (granted, through several versions of the game). Compare that to story driven games that last a couple of days to a week, or first person shoot-ems that gets boring after only a few weeks.I gave the game a 9 since there are some rough edges that could be smoothed out or implemented better. But to be fair, I can't think of any game that's better in this genre. If you want to finagle trades, pour over stats, and be a baseball mogul, this is absolutely your game!

Review by Fyrestorm3 [user]
31 grudnia 2013

If you enjoy baseball, you will fall in love with OOTP. It's worth noting right off the bat that this is not your typical baseball game. ThereIf you enjoy baseball, you will fall in love with OOTP. It's worth noting right off the bat that this is not your typical baseball game. There aren't graphics or animations, and you don't actually play out the games yourself. Rather, it's more of a text sim that puts you in the role of owner, manager, and coach, allowing you to build and manage every aspect of a baseball franchise in a real or fictional league. The depth of the game is enormous. You can set up a league that takes place in the current day MLB, or start in 1957 with all the proper teams and players, or simply create your own fictional league with its own structure, teams, and players. Or a fictional league with MLB players. Don’t like minor leagues? Don’t have them. Got a custom logo for a custom team? Upload it and the game will use it. If you want MLB logos or actual player pictures, there are free downloads for them. If you don’t like the current playoff structure or schedule, you can edit both to suit your needs. Want to play out every game for a season? Go ahead. But if you’d rather take the reins for a 30-year career as manager, you can do that, too. Or play for 100 years. Or 200. The game will keep generating fictional players for as long as you want to play. You can sim through a game, or a week, or a year, or manage every game on a play-by-play basis. Literally the entire game is at your fingertips, to be edited and played as you see fit.Yeah, the game has the occasional bizarre AI decision, but it’s to be expected, just like in any strategy game, and honestly, it happens far less often than most games. The amount of work and care that goes into every iteration of the game is just phenomenal. It's a must-have for any baseball fan.

Review by OBSL_Commish [user]
29 grudnia 2013

OOTP 14 is THE best baseball sim game on the market, bar none. You can replay any season in baseball's history with real life rosters andOOTP 14 is THE best baseball sim game on the market, bar none. You can replay any season in baseball's history with real life rosters and transactions. You can create fictional leagues with fictional players or use major league players from any season, or you can use the current season's players and rosters and play out "what if" scenarios with your favorite teams and players. You don't have to pay extra for any season disks or add-ons, and the game forums are the most user-friendly and detailed of any on the Internet. The game is geared towards the strategy/general manager side of baseball, and although you can play out every game if you want, the graphics are not arcade quality and the game is not designed for that yet. The developers are quick to respond to user problems with the game, and they always have an open ear for suggestions. Rosters and players can be edited fairly quickly, and there are literally thousands of options when designing leagues. The learning curve for this game is fairly steep. You can't just pick up a controller and start playing. But if you believe in hard work equating to big rewards, then this is the game for you! You will not be disappointed with the features.

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Game Information
Release Date 15 kwietnia 2013
Publisher Out Of The Park Developments
Game Modes Single player
Player Perspectives Side view
Genres Simulator, Sport, Indie
Platforms PC (Microsoft Windows)